20th March- 1PM I went to the sports centre with the client to get details of where and what to be shooting and how the tables are going to be set up. Finished at 2pm
21st March- 8am- Met with the client and drove down the the leisure centre for the day of filming. We then set up the cameras and got more information of what he wanted us to film.
9am-12 am- starred filming some of the hard bat matches and the handicap matches
12:30-1pm- Moved over the SD card files to hard drive and wiped them ready for more footage
1pm - 4pm- more recording handicap matches and a few doubles games. Then I left for my part time job
The next day 22nd March - we met up again at 8am to discuss what is going on during the day, we then set up the cameras and the equipment.
9am-11am - we started to film the singles and the start of the doubles.
11-11:30 - we moved the files from the SD card to the hard drive.
11:30-1 - we filmed more doubles and singles.
1-2 we had a lunch to discuss the rest of the day and about the finale matches a bit later.
2-4 There was under 40's singles that we filmed whilst they wrapped up the singles before they started the Semi finales.
4-6. Finished filming the under 40's matches and the finales was about to begin. Before they began we copied of the files from teh cards on the hard drive and wiped the cards.
6-7:30 - This is when the finales was played, we filmed every match from start to finish, we only managed to get a 5 minute break before each match.
7:30-8pm - this was the final celebration ceremony for this I was taking pictures of the winners and runner ups collecting their medals.
8-8:30 - In this time we was clearing the equipment and helping the crew put away the table tennis tables / other equipment.
Letter from Client:
Picture of Footage Recorded:
Image of me working: